49 references to "men":
(6) On which side are officers and men more highly trained? ss. 1.13, Chapter 1: Laying Plans
the expenditure at home and at the front, including entertai... ss. 2.1, Chapter 2: Waging War
When you engage in actual fighting, if victory is long in co... ss. 2.2, Chapter 2: Waging War
Now, when your weapons are dulled, your ardor damped, your s... ss. 2.4, Chapter 2: Waging War
Now in order to kill the enemy, our men must be roused to an... ss. 2.16, Chapter 2: Waging War
Thus it may be known that the leader of armies is the arbite... ss. 2.20, Chapter 2: Waging War
The general, unable to control his irritation, will launch h... ss. 3.5, Chapter 3: Attack by Stratagem
with the result that one-third of his men are slain, while t... ss. 3.5, Chapter 3: Attack by Stratagem
With his forces intact he will dispute the mastery of the Em... ss. 3.7, Chapter 3: Attack by Stratagem
Sun Tzu said: The control of a large force is the same princ... ss. 5.1, Chapter 5: Energy
By holding out baits, he keeps him on the march; then with a... ss. 5.20, Chapter 5: Energy
Hence his ability to pick out the right men and utilize comb... ss. 5.21, Chapter 5: Energy
When he utilizes combined energy, his fighting men become as... ss. 5.22, Chapter 5: Energy
Thus the energy developed by good fighting men is as the mom... ss. 5.23, Chapter 5: Energy
All men can see the tactics whereby I conquer, but what none... ss. 6.27, Chapter 6: Weak Points and Strong
Thus, if you order your men to roll up their buff-coats, and... ss. 7.7, Chapter 7: Maneuvering
The stronger men will be in front, the jaded ones will fall ... ss. 7.8, Chapter 7: Maneuvering
When you plunder a countryside, let the spoil be divided amo... ss. 7.20, Chapter 7: Maneuvering
This is the art of handling large masses of men. ss. 7.25, Chapter 7: Maneuvering
So, the student of war who is unversed in the art of war of ... ss. 8.6, Chapter 8: Variation in Tactics
(5) over-solicitude for his men, which exposes him to worry ... ss. 8.12, Chapter 8: Variation in Tactics
If you are careful of your men, ss. 9.12, Chapter 9: The Army on the March
If in the neighborhood of your camp there should be any hill... ss. 9.17, Chapter 9: The Army on the March
If there is disturbance in the camp, the general's authority... ss. 9.33, Chapter 9: The Army on the March
and when the men do not hang their cooking-pots over the cam... ss. 9.34, Chapter 9: The Army on the March
The sight of men whispering together in small knots or speak... ss. 9.35, Chapter 9: The Army on the March
If a general shows confidence in his men but always insists ... ss. 9.45, Chapter 9: The Army on the March
when there are no fixes duties assigned to officers and men, ss. 10.18, Chapter 10: Terrain
If we know that our own men are in a condition to attack, bu... ss. 10.27, Chapter 10: Terrain
If we know that the enemy is open to attack, but are unaware... ss. 10.28, Chapter 10: Terrain
If we know that the enemy is open to attack, and also know t... ss. 10.29, Chapter 10: Terrain
Ground which is reached through narrow gorges, and from whic... ss. 11.9, Chapter 11: The Nine Situations
to prevent co-operation between his large and small division... ss. 11.15, Chapter 11: The Nine Situations
When the enemy's men were united, they managed to keep them ... ss. 11.16, Chapter 11: The Nine Situations
Carefully study the well-being of your men, ss. 11.22, Chapter 11: The Nine Situations
Officers and men alike will put forth their uttermost streng... ss. 11.23, Chapter 11: The Nine Situations
I should answer, Yes. For the men of Wu and the men of Yueh ... ss. 11.30, Chapter 11: The Nine Situations
Thus the skillful general conducts his army just as though h... ss. 11.34, Chapter 11: The Nine Situations
He must be able to mystify his officers and men by false rep... ss. 11.36, Chapter 11: The Nine Situations
At the critical moment, the leader of an army acts like one ... ss. 11.38, Chapter 11: The Nine Situations
He burns his boats and breaks his cooking-pots; like a sheph... ss. 11.39, Chapter 11: The Nine Situations
Therefore, on dispersive ground, I would inspire my men with... ss. 11.46, Chapter 11: The Nine Situations
and you will be able to handle a whole army as though you ha... ss. 11.56, Chapter 11: The Nine Situations
Sun Tzu said: Raising a host of a hundred thousand men and m... ss. 13.1, Chapter 13: The Use of Spies
There will be commotion at home and abroad, and men will dro... ss. 13.1, Chapter 13: The Use of Spies
One who acts thus is no leader of men, no present help to hi... ss. 13.3, Chapter 13: The Use of Spies
Thus, what enables the wise sovereign and the good general t... ss. 13.4, Chapter 13: The Use of Spies
Knowledge of the enemy's dispositions can only be obtained f... ss. 13.6, Chapter 13: The Use of Spies
If a secret piece of news is divulged by a spy before the ti... ss. 13.19, Chapter 13: The Use of Spies