16 references to "position":
Hence the skillful fighter puts himself into a position whic... ss. 4.14, Chapter 4: Tactical Dispositions
You can ensure the safety of your defense if you only hold p... ss. 6.7, Chapter 6: Weak Points and Strong
When in difficult country, do not encamp. In country where h... ss. 8.2, Chapter 8: Variation in Tactics
In hemmed-in situations, you must resort to stratagem. In de... ss. 8.2, Chapter 8: Variation in Tactics
positions which must not be contested, commands of the sover... ss. 8.3, Chapter 8: Variation in Tactics
The art of war teaches us to rely not on the likelihood of t... ss. 8.11, Chapter 8: Variation in Tactics
In dry, level country, take up an easily accessible position... ss. 9.9, Chapter 9: The Army on the March
When the enemy is close at hand and remains quiet, he is rel... ss. 9.18, Chapter 9: The Army on the March
When the light chariots come out first and take up a positio... ss. 9.25, Chapter 9: The Army on the March
(4) narrow passes; (5) precipitous heights; (6) positions at... ss. 10.1, Chapter 10: Terrain
From a position of this sort, if the enemy is unprepared, yo... ss. 10.5, Chapter 10: Terrain
When the position is such that neither side will gain by mak... ss. 10.6, Chapter 10: Terrain
In a position of this sort, even though the enemy should off... ss. 10.7, Chapter 10: Terrain
When the higher officers are angry and insubordinate, and on... ss. 10.17, Chapter 10: Terrain
Throw your soldiers into positions whence there is no escape... ss. 11.23, Chapter 11: The Nine Situations
Move not unless you see an advantage; use not your troops un... ss. 12.17, Chapter 12: The Attack by Fire